Our front yard is looking better and better! I’m pretty sure our poor neighbors are wondering what the heck is going on; first, our lawn started to slowly turn brown (thanks to an overall spraying of Round-up), then large sections have been scraped of vegetation (albeit brown, ugly vegetation) and trenches have been dug for irrigation and lighting conduit.
My husband and I have never done anything quickly so this process has taken longer than we hoped. Since we seldom pay for someone else to do work we can do ourselves, what we save in dollars we lose in efficiency.
Now, we wait until we are scheduled for the paving stones to go in. The company we contracted with will remove soil and hardscape in the areas the pavers will be installed, slope the area for proper drainage, and lay the DG and sand foundation. Then, the bricks will be installed. The whole process should take around 2 – 3 days.
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